Make Your Own Mini-Comics!

Mondays ~ JANUARY 22TH – FEBRUARY 19
5 sessions
Youth ages 8-14
$110 (sliding scale available)
At the Woodbury Community Room (next to the Library

In this course, participants will create their own self-published Mini-Comic. We will develop ideas through keeping our own private sketchbook/ journals, with regular guided exercises. This work will be playful, exploring our feelings and creativity. Collaborative exercises and brainstorming activities will lead to story writing, character design, and eventually our own short books that can be printed with handmade covers in a small edition. We’ll look at storyboarding, dialogue creation, drawing for print, page design, and simple book production. A wide variety of self-published artist books and comics will be shared.

What Are Comics Anyway?

Comics can be a lot of things, but at the root they are drawings and words telling a story. The story can be funny, sad, scary. Truth or fiction. Self-reflective, moralistic, or political. A comic can manifest as precise graphic art, gestural sketches, or painterly expressions. It can use words, or be just drawings; some comics are more words than pictures. A comic can take many forms and it can be one’s personal art medium.

What is a Mini-Comic?

A Mini-Comic is basically a self-published comic book, usually small in size and edition.